Archive machine(s)

1 min. readlast update: 11.17.2023

Once a project is complete you can archive the project in Xsite Manage. Archiving will not delete permanently any machines or design data from the archived project. Stay organized and archive your projects. 

 Machines (site)

  1. In wanted machine(s) click on Archive button and feature will hide your machine(s) on the Machines workspace. 
  2. The site(s) will be archived from Xsite Machine Control System(s) and Measuring Devices.
  3. Archived machine(s) will be appeared in Archived machines workspace. 

Archived machines 

You can unarchive the machine(s) at any point from the Archived machines workspace. 

Unarchive machine(s)

  1. In wanted machine(s) click on Unarchive button and the machine(s) will be activated in the Site.
  2. The site(s) will be Unarchived into Xsite Machine Control System(s) and Measuring Devices. 
  3. Unarchived machine(s) will be appear in Machines workspace.  

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